Published Material
In my four years at Berry College I have had many opportunities to further develop my skills in a variety of areas including photography, graphic design and web design. I have published material in all three areas as well as a multimedia story from my time spent studying abroad in Italy in Summer 2012.
Click on the images below to be linked to their webpage for further viewing.
My photography has been published in the Berry Magazine, The Campus Carrier and the "Around Berry" webpage. All sports pictures I took for the Sports Information Department appear in an online catalog called Smugmug for public viewing.
During my senior year I did some graphic design work for the Berry College Theatre Company. It was my first time designing for a client rahter than myself. It proved to be a great learning experience. It has been rewarding to see my ideas become concrete and produce tangible items such as posters. Learning to work with a professor from the theatre department on ideas for designs for all of the fall productions has given me the confidence to work with future clients.
While studying in Florence, Italy, for three weeks in summer 2012, my peers and I did a series of stories on the Jewish community that occupies the city. I did both a written story as well as a video project.